

-Coretan Seorang Musafir Ilmu-  I'm back ! cewahhhh haha ~ "Tiap2 bertambah ilmuku akan bertambah pula keinsafan bahawa terlalu banyak yang aku tidak tahu" - Imam Shafie - Hidup kita ni memang tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua orang kan ? pasti ada yang suka pasti juga ada yang tidak suka. #deep Sebab ragam manusia bukan sama untuk semua, tapi tak terkira berapa banyak ragam, pemikiran dan apa yang ada dalam hati kita sendiri. But, this one Allah sahaja yang tahu apa dlm hati kita. "Whether, you hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all:  He knows what is in the heavens, and what is on earth; and Allah has the power to will anything." [Al-Imran 3: 29] Today, i got new lesson. 1) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why was I TESTED? AL-QURAN ANSWERS: "Do men think that they will be left alone saying,'We believe', and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from t
KEM PLKN INDERA PAHLAWAN,MARAN REHAT BERSAMA KIT KAT & JOM KITA MENGEMBARA KE DALAM DUNIA PLKN SEBENTAR…..yuk Kat kem ni yg paling ramai budak semesta…AKU (ZUHAL),NURUL IZZATI(MUSY-F4 BARU),AHMAD BIN ADNAN(ZUHAL-KP 09/10)…KAT SINI JADI KETUA KOMPENI PULA…,HAFIZUAN(ZUHAL-F4 BARU),IZNIEL NASYRIQ(ZUHAL)…ARIF AKMAL( MUSYTARI ) Lps tu dh masuk kem…aku,atie,ahmad,hafizuan(wan),arif akmal(akee)…dpt kompeni yg sama pulak…kompeni ALPHA…izneil seorang sahaja kompeni CHARLIE…huhu Bismillahirrahmanirrahim… A long story about PLKN… (PROGRAM LATIHAN KHIDMAT NEGARA) 2 JAN-13 MAC 2011 Cerita yg agak skema….^_~ 4 Januari 2011:Berkumpul di Terminal Makmur,Kuantan…sampai di Kem PLKN Indera Pahlawan,Maran pada waktu tengah hari. Ketika mula2 sampai…semua peserta menghadiri sesi pendaftaran & pengambilan barang…pakaian sepanjang latihan PLKN… Mula2 semua pelatih ade 490 lebih…tapi pd hari penutup tinggal 450 org sahaja kalau x silap….kesemua pelatih dr SELANGOR,PAHANG &a

Si Sepet : Fashion & Modesty ... Can we ?

First and foremost , in this new post I would like to recall one phrase , from friend of mine *best buddies ever* :) What is it ? She said to me , "Don't let surrounding eats you up!" What is the meaning???You can think it yourself , i guess . As I'm one of the addicted person to online shopping , in shaa Allah I still find for the suitable and comfortable one . The most important part is "Modesty" . Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful . Ya Muhaimin ( Maha Menjaga ) ... May Allah guide each of our steps here in Dunya... to get His Jannah in Hereafter . Here are some guidance , to be safe in being fashionable . As long as we follow syariat , it's okay much :) in shaa Allah . 1- Ketebalan; Tudung ataupun pakaian yang dipakai mestilah tebal supaya kain tersebut tidak jarang, kerana Asma’ binti Abu Bakar pernah ditegur oleh Rasulullah SAW dalam sebuah hadis : عن عائشة رضي الله عنها أنَّ أسماء بنت أبي بكر دخلت على النبي (ص)

PIlihanraya Fakulti FSKKP 13/14

BUAT PILIHAN & KEPUTUSAN YANG BIJAK ! " This is the moment to cast off laziness ! To summon from far and near all those men who have blood in their veins. We are confident, Alhamdulillah in the help that will come from Him through sincerity of purpose and deepest devotion. In shaa Allah the disbelievers shall be defeated and the Faithful shall have a sure deliverance." -Salahuddin Al-Ayubi- Guess what ??? PETAKOM Election for this year has been started . So, what are you waiting for? Do, join and like this page : And for anyone who interested , all of you can register this google doc : Selamat mengundi kepada semua warga FSKKP ! Keep Calm & Keep Vote ! :) thank you :) sincerely , اسميده ارشد

In Soul Again

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim , 3.30 a.m , suddenly wake up , I think I need to start writing something in my blog again after so long not update . Now,life in university just make me to be hook or by crook I need to think outside of the box in everything I do. Need to work independently so on and so forth . The reality is I'm gonna need to learn everything . This moment could be very important for my future.I need to adapt with the surrounding that I never meet it before.But,alhamdulillah with the help of lecturer and friends here,just let me start my life here in a good way.My family could also give moral support that make me strong to face all the difficulties in studying or involving with the activities.Alhamdulillah,for now everything gonna be smooth.I hope it really works until the end of my study here . In shaa Allah. Everyday here ,waking up in the early morning make my heart to feel strong again . I realize there's too much of His Blessing and Nikm

10 More Days searching for Lailatul Qadr

In order for us to do all Ibadah as His full time servant , we need to improve ourselves . Keep on reminding ourselves is the best way for us to realize what is good and what is bad . So, here today , I want to share what I read just now ... 6 Ways to Be Humble ( source : ) "It's hard to be humble," says an old country song, "when you're perfect in every way." Of course, few people actually think they're perfect in every way. But it can still be pretty hard to be humble, especially if you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality. Yet, even in such a culture, humility remains an important virtue. Learning to be humble is of paramount importance in most spiritual traditions, and humility can help you develop more fully and enjoy richer relationships with others. Evaluate Yourself Understand your limitations . No matter how talented you are, there is almost always somebody who c